This blog post explains how to create test data using Developer Studio and how to create an
issue using ESB JIRA connector using the created test data .
1. First open the Developer Studio
Application and go to the dashboard. Create an ESB Config Project by
clicking the “ESB Config Project Link” .
2. It will Direct you to the “New ESB
Project” window. Select “ New ESB Config Project”
3.Give a name for the project expect to
create and browse and mention the location of the project .
Now the ESB Config project is created
and we need to create a proxy service to work with JIRA operations.
4. Go to the dash board again and
click on “Proxy Services” link
5. Select “Create New Proxy Services”
6. Create a Custom proxy by entering
details to the required fields and click on finish to complete.
7. Go to the Project Explorer and
select the created ESB Config project and right click on it . You
can see the menu available → Select “Import Cloud connector”
from menu . It will direct you to the ESB Cloud Connector window.
Browse and locate the JIRA connector location.
8.Go to the palette and open the
created XML file and verify the JIRA Connector Tab is available in
the palette, expand the JIRA connector pallet and you can see all the
JIRA Connector operations available.
9. Here I'm going to explain how to
create a new issue using JIRA connector . So drag and drop the
“Config' and “Create Issue” JIRA operations in to the XML
design view and verify the source code is created accordingly for the
added JIRA operations by navigating to the “Source” tab.
Source View of the above operation
should be like this.
10. Now go to the dashboard of the
developer studio and select “carbon application project” link to
create new carbon application project.
11. Enter the project name and the
location of the new carbon application project and click on finish
12. Now save the created carbon
application project in preferred location
13.Now export the created
and saved carbon application by right clicking the carbon
application project available at project explorer and click on the
“Export Carbon Application project” option. It will open the the
“WSO2 Platform Distribution” window. Export the carbon
application in to the preferred destination.
14. Now Start the ESB server, Go to the
management console and log in to the application. Then go to the
connectors section of the main tab →click on “Add Connectors”
and it will direct you to browse the location where the connectors
are available. Select the JIRA Connector from the available location
and upload the connector.
15. The JIRA Connector uploaded
successfully displayed in the connectors window .Enable the uploaded
JIRA connector.
16. Then go to the Carbon applications
section at the main page and click on “Add” to upload the created
carbon application using Developer Studio Previously.
17.Browse the location of the exported
carbon application and upload the carbon application.
18. Go to the services section at the
main tab and Click on “List” to check whether the uploaded carbon
application is deployed with the proxy.
Go to the service dashboard of the
created proxy and get the end points of the URI
Invoke the proxy using curl -v
The JIRA issue will be created
according to the given instructions in the proxy.
For any JIRA operation you can create test data using the Developer studio application and deploy it in ESB as a carbon application . After that you can invoke the created proxy using CURL or SOAPUI.
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